Incorporating A Healthy Lifestyle & Nutritional Diet

For men actively trying to father a child, it is highly recommended to live a healthy lifestyle:

  • Professional and private stress should be reduced.
  • The consumption of drugs, alcohol and nicotine should be avoided.
  • The consumption of coffee should be reduced to 2 cups or less per day.
  • Excessive heat/heat friction should be avoided, such as in the use of saunas and hot tubs or wearing tight underwear, as developing sperm cells are thermally-sensitive.
  • Moderate and regular physical exercise should be incorporated, as cell generation can benefit directly. Indirectly, cell generation can also benefit by the reduced stress levels.
  • Obese men should reduce their weight to a healthy level, as obesity is associated with an increase of inflammatory processes and the formation of reactive oxidative substances that generate excessive and damaging cellular stress.
  • Good eating habits to include fresh fruits, leafy vegetables and fish in the diet are favorable.

PROfertil® supports fertility in men with the desire to have children by providing the nutritional support necessary for healthy sperm development. The positive impact of proper nutritional support in this area has been demonstrated in a number of clinical studies.